Computer Programming


 CT 401

Lecture:3                                                                                                                                        Year: I
Tutorial: 0                                                                                                                                         Part: I
Practical: 3

Course Objectives:

To familiarize the student with computer software and high level programming languages and to develop the programming skill using C language
  1. Overview of computer software and programming languages ( 2 hours)
    1. System software
    2. Application software
    3. General software features and recent trends
    4. Generation of programming languages
    5. Categorization of high level languages
  2. Problem Solving Using Computer ( 2 hours)
    1. Problem Analysis
    2. Algorithm Development & Flowcharting
    3. Compilation and Execution
    4. Debugging and Testing
    5. Program Documentation
  3. Introduction to C programming( 3 hours)
    1. Character set, Keywords and data types
    2. Preprocessor and directives
    3. Constants and Variables
    4. Operators and statement
  4. Input and Output ( 2 hours )
    1. Formatted I/O
    2. Character I/O
    3. Programs Using I/O statement
  5. Control statements (6 hours)
    1. Introduction
    2. The goto, if, if….else, switch statements
    3. The while, do…while, for statements
  6. User-Defined Functions ( 4 hours)
    1. Introduction
    2. Function definition and return statement
    3. Function Prototypes
    4. Function invocation, Call by value & Call by reference, Recursive Functions
  7. Arrays and Strings ( 6 hours)
    1. Defining an array
    2. One dimensional arrays
    3. Multi-dimensional arrays
    4. Strings and string manipulation
    5. Passing array and string to function
  8. Structures ( 4 hours )
    1. Introduction
    2. Processing a structure
    3. Arrays of Structures
    4. Arrays within structures
    5. Structures and function
  9. Pointers ( 4 hours )
    1. Introduction
    2. Pointer declaration
    3. Pointer arithmetic
    4. Pointer and array
    5. Passing Pointers to a function
    6. Pointers and structures
  10. Data files ( 4 hours )
    1. Defining opening and closing a file
    2. Input / Output operations on files
    3. Error handling during input/output operations  
  11. Programming language: FORTRAN ( 8 hours )
    1. Character Set
    2. Data types, Constants and variables
    3. Arithmetic operations, Library functions
    4. Structure of a Fortran Program
    5. Formatted and Unformatted Input / Output Statements
    6. Control Structures: Goto, Logical If, Arithmetic If, Do loops
    7. Arrays: one dimensional and two dimensional


  1. Kelly & Pohl, “A Book on C”, Benjamin/Cumming
  2. Brian W. Keringhan & Dennis M. Ritchie, “The ‘C’ Programming Language”, PHI
  3. Bryons S. Gotterfried, “Programming with C”, TMH
  4. Yashavant Kanetkar, “Let Us C”, BPB
  5. Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon, “Fundamentals of Information Technology”, Leon Press and Vikas Publishing House
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